Over the last year and a bit I have been working on getting data from the blue pumpkin data base. I have access to the main data base and I have gone through not all but quite a few of the tables extracting information I require and sorting these into useable tables and exporting these into my usual text file format.
I am writing this post because I have looked online and nobody seems to be sharing what tables are available or where the information you most want is held. Since there is many tables some with very little information and some with masses of information in them it takes a bit of time to find just the basics which you may use for adherence reports etc… you may say but there are reports in Impact 360 which can give you all this information and I agree but I like to use raw data when creating reports so as not to over round the data which can skew final results. Also I like to automate the data collection and report creation to free me up to create new reports or further improve the process.
The data in the blue pumpkin data base is all split up into several tables so you will find to build a timeline of information you will need to map the tables together using the key ID columns in the tables. I am using SQL to pull the information into excel and then stitch them together to produce my useable data.
The tables I am using to pull structures and actual data are as follows.
V_TIMEENTRYEVENT – I use this table to pull in the actual activity.
ACTIVITYID – this is the ID code for the event
EMPLOYEEID – this is the employee id for the event
STARTTIME – this is the start time of the event
ENDTIME – this is the end time of the event
This table holds all the event data in the blue pumpkin database, so you will need to specify a start and end date or the SQL query will bring every event through and depending on how long you have been running blue pumpkin and the volume of employees this could be huge.
EMPLOYEEID – you will use this to match a name to the events
FIRSTNAME – This is the forename
LASTNAME – This is the surname
This table holds all your employee names along with the employee ID which you will use to put peoples names to events from the actual table and the scheduled table.
EMPLOYEEID – The employee for each activity
ACTIVITYID – This is the event ID scheduled
activityName – this is the actual event name
startTimeGMT – this is the start time of the event
endTimeGMT – this is the end time of the event
This table holds all the schedule information held in blue pumpkin so again you will need a start and end date on the query to narrow down the results.
ID – This is the event ID used to match up the event to its name
NAME - This is the event name
I use this table to match up the event ID to its name to make the table more readable.
EMPLOYEEID – again this is the employee ID for the exception
STARTTIME – This is the start time of the exception
ENDTIME – This is the end time of the exception
PLANNEDACTIVITYID – This is the planned activity ID which is matched in the ACTIVITY table
This table is any exceptions added to override the scheduled event in blue pumpkin.
So with these tables pulled into excel via SQL you can then start to build up your reports. I have many reports and dashboards which use the data files I create or pull the data live from the database.
One warning I do not know if this is set up the same on all installations but if we make a change to a schedule this does not update on the scheduled table until the next day, I guess this gets updated overnight so when creating reports you will need to advise people any changes made in the last 24 hours wont be reflected in the reports.